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Thumbnail Filmstrip of Plug In Tart Melter, Live, Laugh, Love Images
Live, Laugh, Love
This decorative Plug In Tart Melter is designed to warm NVO's soy tarts - flamelessly - creating the glow and ambience of a burning candle while releasing the wonderful fragrance into the home. Ideal for small rooms like bathrooms, brings a relaxing mood to any room while allowing the light
to shine through like a nightlight.
to shine through like a nightlight.
Tart Warmer is 2.83" Long x 2.83" Wide x 5.1" high
and weighs .35 lbs, including the rocker on/off switch.
Tarts are 6- 1/2 oz. cubes per package.
Tart burn time per cube is 8-10hours, 6 cubes per pkg = 48-60 hours/pkg
Replacement light bulbs are readily available.